Employee Fundraising
There are lots of ways you can raise funds for Trowbridge Future whilst at work. You could host a dress in your favourite colour day, a cake sale, or a raffle to name a few. Get creative and have some fun whilst helping local families and our community. We are in the process of developing a fundraising pack to support you, check back here to download it soon.
You can also use this page to accept donations:
Ongoing Volunteering
Many businesses now encourage staff to offer their time at a local charity as part of their volunteer days, and this can be a powerful tool for value-setting and team building. Although we can not create bespoke resources for a day or a one-off experience, we can provide the chance for an ongoing commitment to support our community or youth work.

Payroll Giving
Also known as Give As You Earn, payroll giving is a way that employees can donate to Trowbridge Future direct from their salary. The company or pension provider makes the donation before tax is calculated so the employee does not pay tax on the income they have chosen to donate.