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Trowbridge Future run a popular youth programme, prioritising the communities of Longfield, Seymour and Studley Green. Each week the youth team hold structured youth sessions with junior sessions (Years 4-7) and senior sessions (Academic Years 8+). The youth team work hard to develop activities identified by the young people themselves these have included: creative arts activities, pamper sessions, movie nights and celebrating special cultural days such as the Divali & Valentine's Day. They have invited other agencies in such as the Wessex Water Education Team and Guide Dogs for the Blind. Held discos/parties and an Award Ceremony.

The youth team also undertake one to one mentoring through John of Gaunt School and detached youth work at Stallards Skate Park and across the town.


التعليم والتواصل

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet، consectetur adipiscing elit. في congue ex dui ، ac pretium justo faucibus a. دونيك في جرافيدا جوستو. Morbi ut pellentesque ante. Nam ullamcorper ligula orci، vel finibus mauris pharetra et. Nulla porttitor sagittis justo، id aliquet nisl mattis vel. Donec sit amet nunc id odio tristique rutrum nec ut urna. Quisque ac mi nunc. Pellentesque tempor laoreet aliquet. Quisque bibendum eu ipsum quis convallis.

تطوير المجتمع

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet، consectetur adipiscing elit. في congue ex dui ، ac pretium justo faucibus a. دونيك في جرافيدا جوستو. Morbi ut pellentesque ante. Nam ullamcorper ligula orci، vel finibus mauris pharetra et. Nulla porttitor sagittis justo، id aliquet nisl mattis vel. Donec sit amet nunc id odio tristique rutrum nec ut urna. Quisque ac mi nunc. Pellentesque tempor laoreet aliquet. Quisque bibendum eu ipsum quis convallis.

wessex water seymour hub.jpg
Programs: Programs
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© 2021 بواسطة Trowbridge Future

تم إنشاؤه بفخر بواسطةDavidWhe

Charity No. 1165254

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